A world without photosynthesis!


Processes of photosynthesis

1.During photosynthesis, plant leaves take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

2.Photosynthesis takes place inside capsules into the leaf cells, called chloroplasts.

3.Photosynthesis means putting together with light.

4.Plants use their leaves to make food. Oxygen is created as by-product.Using the energy from sunlight this is combined with water drawn up from the roots to make glucose.

5.Animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.Green plants are the only plants that produces making food,which ios photosynthesis.

6.Plants use energy from sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into an energy-rich sugar sugar  called glucose.This process is called pthotosynthesis,which means making things with light.

The importance of photosynthesis

1.The simplest way to understand what photosynthesis is would be to know that it refers to the process of producing and releasing oxygen and is performed by the plants to produce their own food.

2.The involves the conversation of stored energy  of the sunlight'water and carbon dioxide  into glucose which is an organic company and release oxygen in the process.

3.The importance of photosynthesis can be understood with respect to our breathing process.the breathing process keeps us alive and photosynthesis provide s us oxygen to breathe in.

4.Photosynthesis is directly related to life and survival of all the other living creatures on earth.It will just supplies without breathing and being alive would be difficult,but it also supplies food and energy to all.

5.Among all the living organism on planet earth only plants are casle of producing their own food and deriving energy from

The process of photosynthesis requires direct sunlight,carbon dioxide and water(H20).In the process of molecules of hydrogen and carbon dioxide into hydrogen,carbon dioxide and oxygen.


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